Blue Battlefields

Author: Charles O'Mahony
wonderful book written by Charles O'Mahony, former 441st
pilot, is
one of my favorites. It is a story of learning and growing
up not only in the cockpit, but also in the world at
large. The book is richly documented with color and
black and white photos all tied closely to the text.
If you were not there, it will let you know what it
was like...the humor along with the tragedy. If you
were part of it back then, it will bring back a flood
of memories. Chuck makes it a point to emphasize that
the contents are not just his story, but "our story".
Hardcover: 154 pages
Publisher: Aviation Usk; (January 1, 1994)
ISBN: 0962308064 Availability: Out
of print - check eBay or other venues for used books.
The Widow Maker

Author: Charles O'Mahony
fantastic book authored by Charles O'Mahony. This
book is not about the Marauder per se. Instead,
and more importantly, this is about the men that flew
her. It is a compilation of "close calls"
the author experienced. In the book are narratives describing
nine of O'Mahony's missions when he found himself a
wing span from disaster. Ironically, it was the
so called "Widow Maker", that brought
him through. Ultimately, the Marauder earned its place
in history as having one of lowest combat loss records
in WWII.
Softcover: 82 pages
Outskirts Press
ISBN: 1432754556 Availability: Available/in
B-26 Marauder Units of the MTO

Author: Mark
Mark has proven himself once again
to be one of the premier aviation illustrators worldwide
and a master of his craft. With this latest work, he
has shown as well that he is an authoritative historian
of the B-26's involvement in the Mediterranean
Theater during WWII. His book not only includes many
of his acclaimed Marauder profiles, but also myriad
archival photos. It is another must have for
the B-26/320th BG aficionado.
Softcover: 96
Publisher: Osprey
Publishing; (November 18, 2008)
ISBN: 1846033071 Availability: Available/in
Boomerang! Story of the 320th Bombardment Group in World
War II

Author: Victor C. Tannehill
This is
the definitive historical accounting of the 320th bomb
group in WWII. Boomerang chronicles the story,
practically day by day, of this MTO Marauder Group.
Missions are described and life back at base is detailed.
There are also feature stories giving in-depth treatment
to subjects like: USAAF training, the Rome and Florence
raids, flak, BAT Shoran bombing missions, rest camps,
bridge busting tactics, and more.
Hardcover: 304
pages Publisher: Boomerang Pub.; (June, 1980) ASIN:
0960590005 Availability: Out
of print - check eBay or other venues for used books.
Saga of the 320th.: A B-26 Marauder Group in WWII

Author: Victor C. Tannehill
sequel to Mr. Tannehill's, book Boomerang. Saga
of the 320th, has additional photos not included
in Boomerang. The book is primarily pictorial,
but also includes the history of the 320th although
in an abbreviated fashion compared to Tannehill's earlier
work. It is a nice complement to Boomerang. It
is highly recommended for the 320th aficionado.
Softcover: 78
pages Publisher: Boomerang Pub.; (1984) ASIN:
0960590021 Availability: Out
of print - check eBay or other venues for used books.
First TACAF: First Tactical Air Force in World War II

Author: Victor C. Tannehill
not specific to the 320th BG, the 320th was for a significant
period assigned to the First TACAF. During the last
eight months of WW II in Europe, nearly 30,000 US and
French airmen served and fought together in a unique
organization designated the First Tactical Air Force
(Provisional). Its mission was to provide support to
the 6th Army Group along the southern front in the ETO.
This is an invaluable resource to anyone interested
in the topic and another job well done by Victor Tannehill.
Softcover: 156
pages Publisher: Boomerang Pub.; (1998) ISBN: 1891570072 Availability: Out
of print - check eBay or other venues for used books.
Bonus Time- One Pilot's Story of World War II

Author: William
F. Roberts
Bonus time is a true story by
William F. Roberts, a combat pilot with the 443rd. This
narrative is an account based on personal notes and
recollections from WWII. Included are descriptions of
combat missions. In addition to memories as an aviator
in combat, there are memories of life on Corsica and
France. Mr. Roberts shares his feelings of sadness and
fear mingled with moments of love and happiness during
that tumultuous time.
Softcover: 186
pages Publisher: Xlibris; (2002) ISBN:
1401071023 Availability: Available
- Click
here to order from Xlibris
The Martin Marauder B-26

Author: Victor C. Tannehill
another fantastic book by - you guessed it - Vic Tannehill.
Your B-26 library is not complete if you do not have
this book on your shelf. It has all the detail and illustrations
that have become Vic Tannehill's trademark. As with
his other works, it is written with a certain charm
that gives one a real flavor of the background and human
emotion related to the topic as well.
Softcover: 132
pages Publisher: Boomerang Pub.; (1997) ISBN:
0960590064 Availability: Out
of print - check eBay or other venues for used books.

Copyright(c) 2003 320th History Preservation. All rights reserved.