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 I have a request for help to solve a mystery.

George W. Gleason
442nd & later 444th Bomb Squadron of the 320th Bomb Group
January 1944 - February 1945

When my dad, George W. Gleason, flew his 6th mission on February 13, 1944, he was a tail gunner for the 442nd Bomb Squadron of the 320th Bomb Group.  There is an error on the mission report for that day -- plane #28 is showing up for two different crews, going out at the same time.  I am desperately trying to find out if anyone on dad's crew knows what plane dad was actually in.   I am doing a book for dad to surprise him on his 87 birthday, and I would greatly appreciate it if someone could help me figure out what plane his crew was REALLY in when they bombed the Bucine Viaduct that day.

Here is a link to the Mission Summary and Crew Loading list indicating two #28 planes:
Link to Mission Summary

This mystery is complicated by the fact that dad's plane #28 does not have the landing time listed...however, his mission list gave him credit for 5:45 minutes flying time for that mission...which would have made that plane one of the 6 that returned late (from 1415to 1711, dad's being 1429).  At first, I was disturbed because the mission report said 28 planes (not to be confused with plane number 28) took off, and if I counted dad's duplicated #28 plane, it would have made 29 planes that took off, but then I noticed one of the planes I counted did not have a "take off" or "landed" time...it just said Corsica.

Here is a document listing my dad's missions:
Link to Gleason Mission List

In dad's book (written just for our family, not for publication publicly), I have a photo of the planes he flew in each mission.  I am deeply disappointed that due to a field error, I cannot identify the plane for February 13, 1944, so that I can have a plane photo for that mission.  I found a photo identifying plane #28 as being flown by Pilot Conrad on  that date; however, if they used the 02/13/1944 Mission Report to identify the plane Conrad was flying as being #28, then it is not certain that they were actually in plane #28 either since the Mission Report shows a duplicate entry for another crew. 

My dad's field mission sheet says he was in plane 28, but, with the 320thbg.org website having a photo of plane #28 that says a different crew from his on that mission, I cannot be certain what is correct.  Since they left out at the same time, obviously both crews cannot have both flown on plane #28.  If anyone is still alive (or their relatives) and has their mission sheet, I would deeply appreciate it if they would email me so I could arrange to get a scanned copy e-mailed or mailed to me (whatever was convenient).  I would deeply appreciate help.  There could be misspellings of names...the mission reports were not always clear.

February 13, 1944
442nd Squadron
320th Bomb Group
Target:   Bucine, Italy

KING, Engineer
FURNER, Gunner

YULE, Engineer
MOORE, Radio
GLEASON, Gunner (my dad)

Please contact me and help me honor my dad's service by having the correct information on that mission.

Thank you,

Donna (Gleason) Guidry
Daughter of WW2 Vet, George W. Gleason

[email Donna Guidry ]   


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