Reisdorf (July
8, 1922 - July 10, 2001)
- Class
44 D - Waco and Blackland Army Airfields
- Flew
missions with the 441st bomb squadron of the 320th
bomb group.
- Accolades
- Purple
- Air
- Distinguished
Unit Citation as part of 32Oth BG.
- Captain
and pilot in Air Force Reserves after WWII
This site is dedicated to my grandfather, Benjamin Reisdorf,
who served as a pilot with the 320th in the 441st bomb
squadron. He spoke freely of his involvement in WWII. I am fortunate
enough to have heard about his experiences. Through him I developed a flavor
for what it was like to be a young man in training at the Waco and Blackland airfields.
I learned about the flight path to North Africa by skipping from Puerto Rico,
then South America, and landing on the small Ascension Island in the Atlantic
Ocean. He often recounted having to fly through three "thunderheads" on
the voyage. After landing his newly painted factory
fresh B-26, he stepped out to find all the aluminum skin wrinkled/warped and the
paint chipped off. On 15 March 1945 he flew his first combat mission. He earned the
Purple Heart that day. After a two week convalescence, he was back flying
combat again. He continued to fly with the unit up to the third to last mission
on 30 April, 1945. The experiences and the esprit de corp from that
momentous time in his life had a profound impact on the rest of his days. The
fact that I am writing this shows as well that the effect has even transcended generations.
Although his story is quite personal to me, his is
just one in a story of many. As I became more interested in the topic, I became
more amazed at the remarkable accountings of the men of the 320th.
It was truly a time when gallantry was commonplace. I felt compelled to share
the little bit of history I had gleaned out of fear that the legacy of the 320th
would gradually drift from our collective consciousness. The intention is to
chronicle the history of the 320th, maintain its
members stories, and preserve the images and some of
the documents that ultimately have touched us all in
one way or another. This site is designed
to be not only a resource for the men
who served with the 320th, but also a resource for their families. I hope you
find it useful.

Franz Reisdorf, MD
O'Mahony (left) and myself in Chuck's hometown of
Pittsburgh, PA
Charles O'Mahony
Thanks to
Charles O'Mahony who provided not only many
of Joe Kingsbury's marvelous photos, but also numerous
stories. Chuck writes with a certain charm
that will give you a real flavor for what
is was like to be a young man as an aviator
in combat, both the humor as well as the
tragedy. Thanks Chuck for sharing your experiences
with us.
Victor C. Tannehill
has devoted much time and effort in documenting
the history of the 320th bomb group. His
books; Boomerang, Story of the 320th
Bombardment Group in World War II and
Saga of the 320th, A B-26 Marauder group
in WWII, describe in remarkable detail
the accountings of the 320th BG. He has
given permission to use his writings on
the website. Thanks Vic for all your efforts
and support.
Joe Seiley
is the son of Robert E. Seiley who was a
radioman/gunner in the 443rd. Joe is
one of the Chief Historians of the 320th
and has devoted much time and energy to
keeping the 320th legacy alive. He has traveled
to the Air Force Historical Research
Agency in Montgomery, AL to do research.
In addition, he has painstakingly
transferred the Mission Summaries to PDF
format for download on the site. Job well
Donna Guidry
Donna Guidry is the daughter of George W. (Bill) Gleason, who was a armorer
gunner, then later a togglier bombardier, in the 320th's 442nd and then
the 444th. Her appreciation and respect for her dad's 65 missions with the
320th, and the courageous men with which he served, instilled in her a deep
commitment to doing her part to help preserve the records for future
generations. With her dedicated mother serving as her meticulous proof-reader,
Donna has taken on the task of transcribing the WWII diaries from the 320th's
squadrons, a task which she considers a sacred trust.
Mary Reisdorf
is the daughter of Ben Reisdorf who was
a pilot with the 441st bomb squadron. Mary
has been instrumental in helping to obtain
the Mission Summaries, Missing Air Crew
Reports (MACR), and strike photos that one
can download and view on the site. She has
spent two entire weeks at the National Archives
in College Park, Maryland and countless
additional hours to help make this information
readily available. Thanks Mary for all your
Sue Brouhard
Sue is the daughter of William D. Shadle who served as a 1st
Lieutenant with the 443rd Bomb Squadron. Sue has taken a keen
interest in history of the 320th and has dedicated many hours in
helping transcribe many of the War Diaries found on the site. She has a vested
interest in helping other family members in their quest for information. Thanks
Sue for your dedication in helping preserve this history.
Jill Norwood
is the daughter of Dale O. Grice
who served with the 441st bombardment
squadron. He enlisted in July 1943 and was honorably discharged on Sept. 28, 1945. Regretfully,
her father, Dale, passed away in August, 1996.
Jill has taken a keen interest
in her fathers's involvement
with the 320th Bomb Group and
has volunteered to help transcribe
the Squadron Diaries for the
Group. Thanks Jill for your
contribution. Many other family
members will benefit from and
appreciate your efforts in preserving
this history.
Alberto and Silvia Cabras
and Silvia Cabras, friends of the 320th,
live in Florence, Italy. Alberto's father,
Luigi Cabras, at the age of 16 spent several
months with the men of the 441st. Luigi
developed strong bonds with these men and
has fond memories of them to this day. Alberto
and Silvia have taken photographs of all
the grave markers of 320th men that
are buried at the Florence American Cemetery.
They can be found on the Memorials
section of this site. Luigi's story can
also be seen on the site in the Stories
Paul Clouting
has teamed up with Peter Smith (see below)
to create a most impressive database
cataloguing B-26 Marauder aircraft.
Together they have been able to create aircraft
histories for literally thousands of B-26
aircraft. Their input has been substantial
in creating the aircraft listings for 320th
ships found on this site. Together they
have selflessly pursued documenting
the history of the B-26 and the men who
flew her.
Peter Smith
and Paul Clouthing have shared an interest
in aviation for 15 years and 4 years ago
started to collect information on the B-26.
Both live in Essex surrounded by airfields
where the B-26 operated. Indeed, Peter was
born at Earls Colne in one of the buildings
that formed the technical site for the 323rd
B.G. Peter remembers his father talking
of the B-26s that he would watch takeoff
and land at both Earles Colne and Rivenhall.
Joe Kingsbury
special posthumous thank you goes out to Joe Kingsbury
who took all the fantastic color photographs that you
see on this site. Joe was a bombardier in the 441st
bomb squadron. After paging through this site, think
about what we would have lost if it was not for Joe.

Copyright(c) 2003.
320th B.G. Reunion Association.