and the 442nd settled at Herzogenaurach, near Nurenberg. The 441st was at
Pfreimd near the Czech border; the 443rd at Furth; and, the 444th at a castle
near Berghof.
Collecting Luftwaffe equipment for
shipment back to the States was the Group's assignment. For the rest of June
and throughout July and into August, teams went out in the field daily to comb
their respective areas for high-priority German Air Force material.
Each team consisted of an officer, a
mechanic, an ordinance man, an armament man and an interpreter. Team members
rather enjoyed "legitimate looting" and had many interesting
experiences contacting former German industrialists and prominent personalities.
"Reconnaissance missions" went out for five days at a time, arranging
their own accommodations in the field.
The prayers of millions were answered
August 14, 1945.. World War II ended.
Sports drew enthusiastic participation
from the off-duty men that summer. Softball and golf were favorites. There was
swimming. But the day program was dull.. mainly card playing and reading. The
Clubs got big crowds night after night. That German beer was good! And
listening in the sack to the Army's Pioneer Radio Station was popular. Hunting
began in the fall.
Souvenir hunting went on at a furious
pace. Fine German cameras became practically nonexistent. Even helmets with the
swastika emblem were scarce. Most available for sending home to Mother: Nazi
armbands and Luftwaffe caps.
In September, still more "high
point" members of the Group were relieved of their assignments and ordered
to AAF/ET Reinforcement Depot to await transportation to the Z of I via the
"Green Project." Late in the month, the 444th Squadron moved from
Berghof to Herzogenaurach and set up with Headquarters 320th.
On October 2nd Col. Campbell was
transferred to Wing prior to returning to the ZI. He was not replaced.
With disarmament duties pretty well
wrapped up, a number of 320th men were sent to San Quentin, northeast of Paris,
and late in the month they sailed for home.
In November those left in the Group were
sent by convoy from Germany to a camp at Clastres, France. Toward the end of
the month they boarded ship for Boston. Most went on to Separation Centers and
civilian life.
The 320th Bombardment Group (Medium) was
officially deactivated at Camp Myles Standish, Massachusetts, December 4, 1945.
authored by Victor C. Tannehill, Saga of the 320th