on image for detail)
Lamke in the copilot's seat, as seen from the nose
on image for detail)
Jim Murray (441) and Bill Roginson (441), bombardier and co-pilot
on image for detail)
Chris Steier (441) leaning against the nose wheel.
on image for detail)
Ralph Woolf (442)
on image for detail)
T/Sgt. Holice Waltman (443) -Photographer
on image for detail)
2nd. Lt. Robert H. Butler (443)
on image for detail)
S/Sgt. Fred K. Gneadek (443) - gunner
on image for detail)
Col. Karl E. Baumeister (HQ), Lt. Col. Stanford W. Gregory (HQ),
and Capt. Charles L. "Pappy" Belcher (441)
on image for detail)
T/Sgt. Clarence A. Scott (441) - bombardier
on image for detail)
S/Sgt. Morris H. Chambers (441) - bombardier
on image for detail)
T/Sgt. Julian R. Archer (441) - radio/gunner
on image for detail)
1st. Lt. Nathaniel R. Robins (441) - pilot
on image for detail)
S/ Sgt. Robert H. Beldon (441) - gunner
on image for detail)
1st. Lt. George B. Moore (441) - bombardier/navigator
on image for detail)
1st. Lt. Wilbur L. Blake (441) - pilot
on image for detail)
S/Sgt. Jessie Berrigan (441) - radio/gunner
on image for detail)
1st. Lt. Bonaparte P. Goldberg (441) - bombardier
on image for detail)
Capt. Cleve O'Toole (441 & HQ)
on image for detail)
S/Sgt. Merrill E. "Shorty" Noakes (443) - engineer/gunner
on image for detail)
S/Sgt. William H. Clarke (443) - navigator/bombardier
on image for detail)
S/Sgt. Frank M. Dickinson (441) - gunner
on image for detail)
1st. Lt. Austin J. McGlannon (441) - pilot
on image for detail)
1st. Lt. Arlo R. Koontz (441) - pilot
on image for detail)
S/Sgt. Floyd Dunn (442) - engineer/gunner
on image for detail)
S/Sgt. Glen E. Taylor, Capt. Jack H. Kennedy (pilot), and S/Sgt.
Robert H. Beldon
All 441st
on image for detail)
S/Sgt. Roderick N. Shepherd (443) - gunner
on image for detail)
F/O Alfred C. Coleman (443) - pilot
on image for detail)
F/O Lloyd T. Pearce (443) - pilot
on image for detail)
S/Sgt. Warren E. Gamble (443) - gunner
on image for detail)
S/Sgt. Rolfe S. Waterman (443) - engineer/gunner
on image for detail)
S/Sgt. Russell F. Carr (443) - gunner
on image for detail)
S/Sgt. Guy E. Williams (443) - engineer/gunner
on image for detail)
2nd. Lt. Wesley Feagin (443) - pilot
on image for detail)
O'Mahony (441) with "short timer"
on image for detail)
Brast (442)
on image for detail)
Bresette (441)
on image for detail)
Hal Carrington (444)
on image for detail)
Ellis Coffey and Percy Brown
on image for detail)
George W. (Bill) Gleason (444)
on image for detail)
W. (Bill) Gleason (444)
on image for detail)
Darrel Hudspeth (443)
on image for detail)
A. Perrine (442)
on image for detail)
Reynolds (443)
on image for detail)
Kenneth G. Ross (442)
on image for detail)
Chief John R. Mhor
on image for detail)
C. Hunsberger (441)
on image for detail)
Kaiser (441)
on image for detail)
Sal Oshinsky, Ralph Cohen, and Paul Nowak Finance office
on image for detail)
Jack Howard (442) Ordnance room
on image for detail)
Clark Travell (444)
on image for detail)
Clyde Rogan, Robert Butler, Eddie Goldstein, and Art Waldhorn
on image for detail)
McKie and Mike Costello
on image for detail)
Evans, Virgil House, and Art Durham
on image for detail)
Robert Maroo, William Cook, ?
on image for detail)
Edward Arons
on image for detail)
Ted Bennett and E.G Langford
on image for detail)
Robert Heard, Jr. (441)
on image for detail)
Harrelson (?)
on image for detail)
Lt. Col. Fletcher pins the DFC on Capt. Kirley with Group PRO
Lt. Harry Dunn on the left.
on image for detail)
On the left is the crew chief T/Sgt. Aldridge In the cockpit,
Maj. James L. McCrory On the right, Lt. Sund
on image for detail)
Sidney P. "Snuffy" Smith, Thaddeus F. Bednarz, Wessells,
on image for detail)
Sidney P. "Snuffy" Smith in cockpit
on image for detail)
Jack Dillon (441)
on image for detail)
Capt. Mel Scott and T/Sgt. Leslie Long
on image for detail)
Samuel Liever (441) in front of 441st ship, Lady Lynn
on image for detail)
1st. Lt. Carl E. Hoy (441) on ladder and Lt. Col. Fordyce examine
one of the 20-mm shell hoes in the wing of Marauder 776, Most
The plane, flown by Lt. Hoy, was shot up on the
Group's second mission.
on image for detail)
Mel Scott (?)
on image for detail)
Samuel Liever (441) in front of 441st ship, Belle Ringer
on image for detail)
Chief Ed Larson (442)
on image for detail)
Robert A. Johnson, Jr. (442)
on image for detail)
K. Rhoads, Elling, Robert Woodward Headquarters
on image for detail)
DiNome, Cockrel, Barrett, Stadnicki Taken at Tavaux City
on image for detail)
Two enlisted men and Capt. Gemmill (right), 442 S-2, examine wrecked
German aircraft.
on image for detail)
O'Mahony and Deatley (behind honor gaurd) with Col. Prindle attaching
the DUC streamer to the 320th battle flag on 2 June 1945.
on image for detail)
Milton J. Beckman (442)
on image for detail)
?, Elling (?), Green (?),?
on image for detail)
Sgt. LeBrec and Sgt. Clair Chelman
on image for detail)
"Doc" Finley, right Taken at Steinach, Germany 17 September
on image for detail)
E. D. Bowen and George C. Jung
on image for detail)
Squadron C.O.s of the 320th-Tafaraoui, January 1942 Chuck Parsons,
441st Cuter Gladden, 442nd Dick Polk, 444th Scott Peddie,
to Flint Garrision, 320th Commander; "Nothing wrong with these
on image for detail)
Dressed to receive the DUC in Sardinia
William Gerdy, Leland
Toole, Rolland Scheurer, Grady Threet, and John Brown
on image for detail)
Jr. Hicks
on image for detail)
Back row: Pat Duncan (444),
Norman Faabossan (443), Bill Lack (HQ), Davy Duncan (HQ), and John
Gemmill (HQ)
Front row: Bill Feisting (HQ), Andy Frazier (HQ),
Rudi Nadeau (HQ), Murray Sherman (441), and Tom Dignan (444)
3 May 1944
on image for detail)
Jeep with Lt. W.L. Weier driving, Lt. Bernardi far left (? man on
right) with Sardinian youngsters
on image for detail)
Major William Cook Sardinia, 1944
on image for detail)
10 June 1944, three 444th Officers returned to the outfit after
escaping from the enemy in Italy: Lt. J.B. Stewart, Capt. Joe
Green, and Maj. James McCrory
on image for detail)
Four 443rd Crew Chiefs: T/Sgt. Selmer O. Johnson, T/Sgt. Leland
E. Toole, T/Sgt. Jay N. Thomas, and M/Sgt. David E. Thayne
on image for detail)
Corporal Specht and L.J. Elling stopping for lunch on a coal
buying trip
on image for detail)
Group Adjutant Capt. Cleve "Low Gear" O'Toole
who built
the ballpark at Decimo and had it named after him.
on image for detail)
1st. Lt. J. Scott Peddie, Col. Flint Garrison, and Lt. Col. Stanford
W. Gregory
on image for detail)
C. Ashing, Richard L. Grafmiller, Howard Baxter, and John Lees
Herschowitz in cockpit
on image for detail)
Drawing gear at tech supply
Ralph Cirmo on the right
on image for detail)
Ralph Cirmo (center)
on image for detail)
Chief Joe Allen of Beaver Falls, PA
Allen crewed for all three
#07s. The first two crash landed, but got their crews back safely.
was proud never to have lost a combat crewman.
on image for detail)
Ed Larson, Harry Cameron, and Phil Breen
on image for detail)
Col. Karl E. Baumeister, Gen. Frank Armstrong, and Col. Flint Garrison
on image for detail)
Col. Flint Garrision and Public Relations Officer
Morrision Field,
FL - November 1942
on image for detail)
Col. Flint Garrision, Jr.
on image for detail)
Lt. Col. Stanford W. Gregory
on image for detail)
Lt. Col. Stanford W. Gregory
on image for detail)
Norm Barnard, Mathis, and Bazemore
on image for detail)
Major John F. Batjer
on image for detail)
Col. Flint Garrision, Jr. and
Lt. Col. Stanford W. Gregory
on image for detail)
Samuel Liever (441) in front of 443rd ship, Scramboogie
on image for detail)
Earl W. "Skip" Caudill (443) - pilot
on image for detail)
A quartet of 444th Officers: Whizzer White, Bobbie Powers, Pete
Peters, and Mac McBride
on image for detail)
Sidney P. "Snuffy" Smith (441)
on image for detail)
Col. Karl E. Baumeister (HQ), Lt. Col. Stanford W. Gregory (HQ),
and Capt. Charles L. "Pappy" Belcher (441)
on image for detail)
Maj. Clarence A. Kirley and Lt. Jules Penka, both 441st
on image for detail)
T/Sgt. Arthur H. Abraham (441) - crew chief
on image for detail)
(?) Harris (444)
on image for detail)
A quartet of 442nd pilots, all from Connecticut
1st. Lt. Harry
Helms, 1st. Lt Marshall Doxsee, 1st. Lt. Wayne Church, and 1st.
Lt. Aram Bayramian
on image for detail)
Herb Caman
on image for detail)
Herman Milch
on image for detail)
Capt. Emil D. Chagnon, Group Chaplain
on image for detail)
Bernard S. Schank (HQ)
on image for detail)
Andrew Vents and Lt. Thomas Stackpole Special Services
on image for detail)
Lend us your 320th personnel photo and have it placed
Remember, all original photos will be