Welcome to
the 320th Bomb Group website. This site is dedicated
to those who served in the 320th Bomb Group in World
War II. The site chronicles the history of the 320th.
Here you will find remarkable stories about a group
of extraordinary men. The members of the 320th have
a proud legacy. When reviewing the contents herein,
you will be looking at a time when gallantry was indeed
320th veterans will
find this site a way to keep in touch with old friends.
Please check out the activities of the 320th Reunion
Association on this site. The most recent as well as past issues of
the Boomerang News, the 320th newsletter, can
be found here as well.
320th flew the Martin B-26 Marauder, one of the most
sophisticated aircraft of its day. On the site, one
can learn more about the B-26 Marauders of the 320th.
There is also a section dedicated to the B-26 Marauder
in general.
Families of 320th
veterans will find this a resource to learn more about
their loved one's contributions. Offered on the site
is an ever expanding photographic archive and downloadable
320th Bomb Group documents in PDF format.
single Mission Summary for the
320th B.G. is now available
on the site. It amounts to 5,579
pages of information. Nearly
all indicate
the crew members
for each mission.
The summaries
are in PDF format and can be
viewed directly on the site
or downloaded and printed. In
addition, 1,065 strike/bomb
plot photos can be viewed as
A special thanks
goes out to Mary Reisdorf
who assisted in obtaining these
documents from the National
Archives and Joe Seiley
who assisted in cleaning up
the pages to make them more
legible. Each has volunteered
literally hundreds of hours
of time to the project. Job
well done!!
forty (40) Missing Air Crew
Reports (MACR) for the 320th
can now be downloaded directly
from the site in PDF format.
In addition, there are direct
links to GoogleEarth that show
the precise location of the
aircraft/crew loss. The GoogleEarth
links also have a narrative
description giving an account
of the loss and the disposition
of the crew members. The MACRs
can be accessed on a link found
at the bottom of both theMemorials/KIAandPOWspages.
A majority of the targets for the 320th
have been
mapped using GoogleEearth. Often the actual bridge or Marshalling Yard can be
viewed with exquisite precision. The technology is amazing and is sure to impress. Go to
the mission lists on this site.
If you see the icon
associated with a specific mission on the Mission
the target has been plotted. Over 400 missions have been pinpointed. Compare
the GoogleEarth image with the actual strike photo. To use this feature of the
site, you will need to install GoogleEarth on your computer. It is a free
download. For more information about GoogleEarth, a link to download
the program, as well as couple
of tips Click
by Benton
B. Banchor (442) On 11
November 1941, Benton Banchor was drafted into military
service. He tested into the Army Air Corps and soon
was on a journey to North Africa via the Southern Route.
In his narrative he describes the flight across the
Southern Atlantic and his experiences thereafter
320th Roster now lists ALL
men known to have served with
the 320th B.G. during WWII.
2,637 men are listed. Previously,
only extant members had been
listed with those being deceased
listed on the Memorial
Pages. This is the most comprehensive
list we have ever published.
If you or your loved
one is not listed, let me know
and I will make the addition.
as well with
any correction.
Comments about
this site are encouraged. If you have any additions
and/or corrections, please contact me.
Material to
add to this site is sought after. We are constantly
looking for:
Stories Diaries Artifacts
(calendars, notes, postcards, letters,documents, patches, and the
like.) Photographs
Please send in your
pictures, negatives, or slides so that we can add
them to the digital archive and place your pictures
on this site. Because photos are of
the most sentimental and cherished
(and non-replaceable) of items be assured that they will be handled very carefully.
All photos and other original items will be SENT BACK to the sender
as soon as processed. Please include identification
data (date location, names, etc...) on a separate
sheet of paper (not on the back of the photo).
send to:
Franz Reisdorf 11450 Irish Avenue Stillwater,
MN 55082
tips: Please package your mailing carefully with
a cardboard backing insert as support. Write Do not Bend
on the envelope.