Months of Human Contact in a POW Camp by Joseph Armstrong
account by Joseph Armstrong, 442nd pilot,
brings to life his experiences as an aviator
stationed on the Island of Sardinia and the
dramatic events that ultimately led to his
capture as a POW on what was to be his 64th
and final mission. The following piece powerfully
describes some of the more salient moments,
both the highs and the lows, he experienced
during his eight months not only as a POW,
but one wounded in action.
and Evasion by James
L. McCrory (444)
444th CO, James McCrory tells of bailing out from a
ship about to explode and how he and some of the other
crew members evaded capture with the aid of some friendly
Italians. He eventually made it to Rome where he slept
for three months in a concealed fox hole.
to Florence by Benjamin
C. McCartney (443)
 An admirer
of Florence, Benjamin McCartney tells of his return
to the now wartime stricken city. The story describes
the selective tactical bombing of the Florence marshaling
yards whereby precision bombing was performed with successful
preservation of the cities antiquities - masterful bombing
that could only have succeeded by the use of the B-26
Marauder and what had become the finest wing of medium
bombardment in the world.
at Beauvais-Surviving a Midair Collision by Charles O'Mahony
 Charles O'Mahony, a B-26 pilot during WW
II, recalls a terrible tragedy that occurred in the air over France on St.
Patrick's Day 1945. During a routine flight exercise, three B-26s collided in
midair. Of the 19 men aboard those three aircraft, 18 died, while the last one -
pilot Alex Cordes - miraculously survived unhurt. It was determined that the
catastrophe was the result of pilot error on the part of one of the deceased,
who had been a “short-timer.” O'Mahony uses this tale to remind us of the
often-unknown dangers of formation flying, which have resulted in numerous
unnecessary deaths.
Makings of a Mission & Another Day in the Army Air
Corp. by
Alexander Brast (442)
a letter to his father and mother, Alex tells the
makings of a B-26 bomb mission from briefing the day
before, the mission run itself, and ultimately the flight
back. In addition, he describes an attack by enemy
fighters whereby a fellow B-26 crew is required
to ditch at sea. Ultimately, it is all just a day in
the Army Air Corp.
the Breisach Bridge by
Ben West (443)
Breisach Bridge across the Rhine River was protected
by as many as 160 anti-aircraft guns. Ben tells the
story of flying through a virtual hurricane of flak
explosions. Though the bridge was not knocked out, it
was a valiant effort resulting in loss of life and an
experience that has influenced Ben West to this day.
Plane Limps in at 170 by
Kenneth G. Ross (442)
was Ken's 13th mission. What was to be a milk run turned
into a fight with German fighters. Ken and his crew
flew 60 miles on one engine and ultimately made a forced
landing. 150 shell holes were counted in the aircraft.
The account was written up in several Midwest newspapers
as well as the Stars and Stripes.
Steeple Chaser-How
My Plane got its Name by
Kenneth G. Ross (442)
this story, read how Captain Ross took a bit of Huntington with him into the battle
after his
crew members insisted upon calling his B-26 Marauder bomber "The
Steeple Chaser" after the time Captain Ross stunted over Huntington,
swooping between church steeples, while his commanding officer from Baer
Field watched him with blood in his eye.
of the B-Dash Crash & My Experiences with the 320th by
John (Jack) S. Harpster (442)
flew not only the B-26 Marauder with the 320th BG, but
also the P-47 Thunderbolt as part of the 525th Fighter
Squadron. Consequently, he gives us a unique perspective
of flying the B-Dash-Crash having been a fighter pilot.
In this saga, he recounts his first impressions
of the Marauder during training as well as a pilot in
Admiral Surrenders to 320th T/Sgt. Will Largent by Homer
Bigart (New York Herald)
 Out of
fear of French Partisan retaliation against German hospital
patients, German Admiral Eyerich surrenders
his sword to 320th T/Sgt. Will Largent.
Know, If it isn't Bill Phillips by
Gabriel R. McClure, "Monk" (441)
recalls a time when he runs into a boyhood friend on
the Isle of Sardinia-of all places. Monk was with the
ground crew of Thumper II and gives us a little insight
into what is what like. Come join us for a day in the
life of the ground crew.
Cannon --The Final Flight of Lady
Lynn by Charles O'Mahony
 Toward the end of WW II, enemy fighters were few and far between,
but the ever-present flak still proved hazardous to Allied planes and their
crews. B-26 flight commander Charles O'Mahony tells the story of the last flight
of Lady Lynn, the Marauder that flew next to his in the 443rd Squadron on
April 18, 1945.
Off to the South at Alto by Ben West
off the ground and over that hill was like running a
high hurdle race in your flying gear, including parachute.
The Marauder was always a ground-loving bitch and trying
to get airborne anywhere was precarious. But it was
especially so taking off to the south at Alto."
Love Hath No Man --a
B-26 pilot fights to save his friend by Charles O'Mahony
 This spectacular story of a
B-26 Marauder receiving a direct hit on an engine is a compelling account
about how two crewmen survived this dramatic event. George Moscovis and Robert
McCluskey somehow managed to escape the doomed Flossie's Fury before its
crash; Moscovis, without even a parachute on his back!
Visible Means of Support" Marauder-A Pilot's
Story by Charles O'Mahony
 Charles O'Mahony takes a look back at his
earliest days flying combat missions over Italy in 1944. Introducing a human
element to the difficulties he faced, O'Mahony shares anecdotes about his time
as a short-timer; being the new guy in the 320th Bomb Group and learning the
ropes while at the same time helping to fight a war.
First Mission by
George W. (Bill) Gleason (444)
tells of his first mission as a gunner with the 320th
BG, 444th Bomb Squadron. He had quickly volunteered
when a tail gunner was required spur of the moment to
fly a mission 15 January, 1944. He discovered that both
the Messerschmitt bullets and flak bursts were indeed
real. With one prop feathered and hydraulic lines cut,
the aircraft landed emergently in Corsica. Upon landing
he walked around the plane to find 86 holes in the skin
of the B-26 he was almost literally thrown into. He
went on to complete a total of 65 missions.
of Fire!!!" alias "Fletcher's Folly!!!" by
Ben West (443)
is Ben's account of his 5th mission with the 320th BG.
It is on this mission that Col. Fletcher decides to
try something new-a night mission! Although a valiant
effort by the 320th, the mission's success is debatable.
One thing is for sure, however, and that is flying a
mission at night is enough to scare the hell out of
Give Up On A Wounded Comrade by
Ben West (443)
a mission to bomb the Piacenza bridge, the B-26 flown
by Ben West is holed by a ME-109 with dire consequences.
During that encounter, Earl Nelson, top turret gunner,
manifested a will to survive that seemed beyond limitation.
Ben recounts - "he claims I saved his life,
when in reality I almost wasted it." The story
also relates to a 24 year old man's mental
struggle in his endeavor to do what's right not only
for his country, but also for everyone of his 6 man
crew, especially Earl Nelson.
of My Time with the 320th B.G. During WW II by
Donald Wilson Round (444)
Round shares with us his memoirs. In this story
one will learn about the trip across via the Southern
Route. In addition, Don gives us a nice flavor of what
it was like to live on the Island of Sardinia. He provides
many humorous anecdotes, but also reminds us of the
sacrifice made and the human tragedy of war. This story
is sure to give you a better feel for the experience
of the men of the 320th.
Historical Account of the Time I Spent with the 441st
in Decimo & Corsica in 1944 by
Luigi Cabras
Cabras was born in Villasor, Sardinia. At the young
age of 16 he spent several months with the men of the
441st. Here he gives a historical perspective of Decimo
and the U.S. Air Corp presence from his native point
of view. It is clear that the men of the 320th left
a favorable legacy with Mr. Cabras, his family, and
hopefully the indigenous population as a whole.
Journey to the Sicily-Rome American Cemetery by
Jane Ferko
On 18
May 2006, Jane
Ferko-Balk made a long awaited trip to visit the region of the resting place of
her brother-in-law, Theodore Balk, 443rd B.S. who was lost in combat. Her first husband, Tom, Theodore’s brother,
had long wanted to visit the area where Theodore’s plane went down as well as
the Sicily-Rome American Cemetery where he is memorialized. Unfortunately,
Tom passed away before he could complete this desire. Despite Tom's passing,
Jane made her own pilgrimage joined by her new husband, George Ferko. This is
her touching account of their journey.
Story of My Military Service with the 320th by
Benton B. Banchor (442)
On 11
November 1941, Benton Banchor was drafted into military
service. He tested into the Army Air Corps and soon
was on a journey to North Africa via the Southern Route.
In his narrative he describes the flight across the
Southern Atlantic and his experiences thereafter.