spent the night in transit quarters in Algiers. We slept
on rope beds with a blanket underneath us and one blanket
on top - I never got so cold in my life. The next day
Johnson, the bombardier, and I went to town. We wore
our 45 pistols on our side. The people kept a good eye
on us. The MP's looked at us, but passed on by. We found
out later that you were not supposed to wear your 45
pistol in town.
Algiers my friend, Lt. Birmingham, showed up. He was
mad because before he landed in Algiers he asked the
bombardier how high the mountains were and was told
some figure that was not too high. When Birmingham descended
through the overcast he saw that there were very high
mountains every where he looked. He asked bombardier
for the map and realized that the bombardier had misread
the map. It was in meters and not feet, which meant
the mountains, were almost three times higher than he
had been told. If Birmingham had known this he would
have made his decent through the overcast over the sea
and then flown into the airport.(Continued)